Visit us:
09:30 - 11:30
Somerset West Primary Main Hall
Entrance 71 Andries Pretorius Street
071 356 2338
Social Media: @lovekeychurch

Our Mission
LoveKey Church exists as a local expression of a part of the body of Christ that creates a loving, truth-filled atmosphere through God-honouring praise and worship and uncompromised Bible-based teaching, where people can Encounter the One true Creator God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and by doing so Align with His purposes in order to Reign in life and to Help Others to do the same.
Watch this week's Live Service
Available on our YouTube channel

Lovekey church podcast
The LoveKey Church Message of The Week, and the Love Unlocks Live Sessions Podcast where Heinz Winckler interviews amazing people with extraordinary stories of how God‘s love unlocked their lives.